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Αθανασία Τεκερλεκοπούλου

Tekerlekopoulou Athanasia

Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering with a specialization in Biological Processes of potable water and wastewater

1st floor (2nd Building)
(+30) 26410-74204
Undergraduated Studies

Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1997)

Ph.D. Thesis

Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Management, University of Ioannina (2006), “The study of biological removal mechanisms of pollutants from potable water using trickling filters”

Research Interests

• Drinking water / wastewater treatment using physicochemical and, particularly, biological processes to optimize technique performance.

• Supervision of treatment plants for the biological removal of water pollutants (e.g., ammonia, iron, manganese) and the biological treatment of industrial wastewater (e.g., dairy, olive mill, table olive, winery, piggery, hexavalent chromium, leachates, etc.).

• Process modelling, leading to the design of effective and economic systems for drinking water and wastewater treatment.

• Application of microalgae/cyanobacteria for the treatment of wastewater followed by product recovery

Selected Publications

• Patsialou S., Politou E., Nousis S., Liakopoulou P., Vayenas D.V., Tekerlekopoulou A.G., Hybrid treatment of confectionery wastewater using a biofilter and a cyanobacteria-based system with simultaneous valuable metabolic compounds production, Algal Research, 79, art. no. 103483, (2024), DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2024.103483

• Lazaratou C.V., Traka K., Kaltsonoudis C., Tekerlekopoulou A.G., Pandis S.N., Vayenas D.V., Dynamics of cyanobacteria/ bacterial consortia for CO2 fixation and simultaneous wastewater treatment, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12 (6), art. no. 114731, (2024), DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2024.114731

• Patsialou S., Katapodis D., Antonopoulou G., Charalampous N., Qun Y., Dailianis S., Tekerlekopoulou A.G., Vayenas D.V., Bioremediation and toxic removal efficiency of raw pharmaceutical wastewaters treated with a cyanobacteria-based system coupled with valuable biomass, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 58, art. no. 104895, (2024), DOI: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2024.104895

• Patrinou V., Antonopoulou G., Ntaikou I., Tekerlekopoulou A.G., Biotreatment of discarded fruit juices and simultaneous lipid production using Leptolyngbya sp., Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 98 (5), pp. 1290 - 1302, (2023), DOI: 10.1002/jctb.7347

• Benekos A.K., Vasiliadou I.A., Tekerlekopoulou A.G., Alexandropoulou M., Pavlou S., Katsaounis A., Vayenas D.V., Groundwater denitrification using a continuous flow mode hybrid system combining a hydrogenotrophic biofilter and an electrooxidation cell, Journal of Environmental Management, 339, art. no. 117914, (2023) DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.117914

Curriculum Vitae (CV)