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Aims & Scope

The Department of Sustainable Agriculture (DSA) based on its innovative academic curriculum and its high-quality research activity aims at

• providing to students a comprehensive and high-level education and training with integrated scientific knowledge, know-how and skills in agricultural science and technology

• keeping conducting scientific research of high standards that receives international recognition and promotes excellence and innovation

• contributing to transition of the agricultural sector from conventional to sustainable pathways and practices, advancing the achievement of Sustainable Development and supporting the real economy at all levels, from local to national


The DSA, aligned with the standards and the quality policy of the University of Patras, has designed, structured and implemented an undergraduate academic curriculum which through a student-centered environment wants to provide students:

• a solid background in basic sciences (mathematics, chemistry, biology and physics) relevant to agricultural sciences, including the science of agronomy

• a thorough perception of the complexity and interdisciplinary nature of agricultural sciences

• a deep understanding of the fundamentals and principles of various forms of sustainable agriculture

• scientific and technical knowledge as well as practical skills in developing and implementing sustainable agriculture practices

• knowledge of cutting-edge technology for optimum farming practices and resources management and for the production of quality products

• a thorough awareness of the significance to apply holistic approaches in sustainable agriculture framework

• an academic ecosystem that promotes skills development and qualities cultivation through interdisciplinary team work, field exercises, educational visits, internships as well as the possibility to participate in mobility programs such as Erasmus

• ability to conduct research and report findings and results clearly, honestly and accurately

• the necessary research skills and critical thinking in order to be able to pursue post-graduate studies and/or a career in agriculture and environmental management

• gain an awareness of the significance of the lifelong learning


In overall, based on the vision of the Department Sustainable Agriculture, its mission is to educate geotechnical scientists in agricultural science and technology in order to be able to

• draw up and accomplish comprehensive plans, studies and projects serving the goal of sustainable agricultural development

• design policies and strategies on sustainable agricultural practice and the ecological transition of agricultural practice and production

• develop and diffuse practices for mitigating the impacts of agronomic systems on greenhouse gas emissions and adapting agriculture to climate change

• enter the job market, offering their expertise to public and private sector entities including: agricultural holdings, food market, control and business support entities (institutes and research laboratories, laboratories of microbiological analysis and quality control of agricultural production), entities focusing on sustainable management of natural resources, entities providing consulting and educational services on sustainable agro-systems, organic agriculture, ecological agriculture, integrated agriculture, precision agriculture, ‘smart’ agriculture, carbon farming, e.t.c.