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Γεώργιος Τσιάμης

Tsiamis Georgios

Professor of Environmental Microbiology

1st floor
(+30) 26410-74149
Undergraduated Studies

Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Honours degree in Agriculture (1991)

Ph.D. Thesis

Analysis of an avirulence gene from Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola that determines cultivar specificity towards Phaseolus vulgaris L

Research Interests
  • Study of the microbial diversity in extreme environments using omic technologies
  • Use of Single Cell Genomics to access the metabolic diversity found in microorganisms
  • Designing and developing new tools for the study of the bacterial diversity
  • Bioenergy
  • Biotechnological applications
  • Detection of GMOs and pathogens
  • Plant – microbe interactions with main focus in the evolution of pathogenicity and virulence factors that lead to the development of disease
Selected Publications
  • Tekerlekopoulou, G. Tsiamis, K. Bourtzis and D. Vayenas (2010). The effect of carbon source on microbial community structure and Cr(VI) reduction rate. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 107: 478-487.
  • M. Andreou, P. Delipetrou, C. Kadis, G. Tsiamis, K. Bourtzis and K. Georghiou (2011). An integrated approach for the conservation of threatened plants: the case of Arabis kennedyae. Acta Oecologica 37: 239-248.
  • Antonis A. Augustinos, Diego Santos-Garcia; Eva Dionyssopoulou, Marta Moreira, Aristeidis Papapanagiotou, Marios Scarvelakis, Vangelis Doudoumis, Silvia Ramos, Antonio F. Aguiar, Paulo A.V. Borges, Manhaz Khadem, Amparo Latorre, George Tsiamis, Kostas Bourtzis (2011) Detection and Characterization of Wolbachia Infections in Natural Populations of Aphids: Is the Hidden Diversity Fully Unraveled? PLoS One 6(12): e28695
  • Vangelis Doudoumis, George Tsiamis, Florence Wamwiri, Corey Brelsfoard, Uzma Alam, Emre Aksoy, Stelios Dalaperas, Adly Abd-Alla, Johnson Ouma, Peter Takac, Serap Aksoy and Kostas Bourtzis (2012) Detection and characterization of Wolbachia infections in laboratory and natural populations of different species of tsetse (genus Glossina). BMC Microbiology 12: S3
  • Elena Drosopoulou, George Tsiamis, Maria Mavropoulou, Spiros Vittas, Kostas A. Katselidis, Gail Schofield, Danai Palaiologou, Tasos Sartsidis, Kostas Bourtzis, John Pantis and Zacharias G. Scouras (2012) The complete mitochondrial genome of the loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta (Testudines:Cheloniidae): Genome description and phylogenetic considerations. Mitochondrial DNA 23: 1-12
  • Katerina Katsaveli, Dimitris Vayenas, George Tsiamis, Kostas Bourtzis (2012) Bacterial Diversity in Cr(VI) and Cr(III)-contaminated industrial wastewaters. Extremophiles doi:10.1007/s00792-012-0429-0
  • Tsiamis G, Tzagkaraki G, Chamalaki A, Xypteras N, Andersen G, Vayenas D, Bourtzis K (2012) Olive-Mill wastewater bacterial communities display a cultivar specific profile. Current Microbiology 64(2): 197-203
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
tsiamis_cv_en.pdf (149.3 KB)