- 2, G. Seferi str., Agrinio, Greece
- (+30) 26410-74138
- secrsa@upatras.gr
- Contact
• Lesson 1: (Bio)Sensor Technology, Sensor Categories
• Lesson 2: Production Mapping Sensors for Machine Harvested Crops Production Mapping Sensors in Non-Mechanically Harvested Products Production Mapping Sensors in Forage Harvesters
• Lesson 3: Sensors of seed quality characteristics
• Lesson 4: Ambient Sensors
• Lesson 5: Field Sensors
• Lesson 6: Remote Sensing Sensors
• Lesson 7: Processing and interpretation of (bio)sensor data
• Lesson 8: (Bio)sensors and agricultural applications (general)
• Lesson 9: (Bio)sensors for optimization of production conditions
• Lesson 10: (Bio)sensors and crop quality improvement
• Lesson 11: (Bio)sensors and plant protection
• Lesson 12: (Bio) sensors in the production improvement decision process
• Lesson 13: The Internet-of-Things (IoT)