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Zotos Anastasios

Assistant Professor in Vegetation of wetland ecosystems under limited soil water conditions

26410 74193
Undergraduated Studies

Dept. of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture Forestry and Natural Environment, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, (1997)

Ph.D. Thesis

Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Management, University of Ioannina (2006), entitled: "Flora, Vegetation ecology and management proposals of the wet meadows and reed thickets of the lakes Trichonida and Lysimachia (W. Greece)".

Research Interests

• Ecology and Vegetation of wetlands

• Water stress of individual plant species and plant communities

• Water movement along the Soil-Plant-Air continuum

• Conservation and Management of plant species, habitats and ecosystems

• Monitoring, Mapping και Assessment of conservation status of plant species and habitat types

• Biodiversity and dynamic distribution of plant species

• Sustainable management of water irrigation and water resources

• Precision agriculture

Selected Publications

• Zotos, A., Kokkoris, I. P., Charalampopoulos, I., Bekri, E. S., & P. Dimopoulos, 2024. Wetlands in Crisis: The Silent Desertification Threat on the Greek Wetlands. Land, 13(10), 1567.

• Kokkotos E., Zotos A., Triantafyllidis, V. & A. Patakas, 2024. Impact of Fruit Load on the Replenishment Dynamics of Internal Water Reserves in Olive Trees. Agronomy 2024, 14, 1026.

• Kokkotos E., Zotos A. & A. Patakas, 2024. The Ecophysiological Response of Olive Trees under Different Fruit Loads. Life 2024, 14, 128.

• Zotos A., Triantafyllidis V., Kosma C., Kakabouki I., Roussis I., Mavroeidis A., Stavropoulos P. & D. BILALIS, 2023. Effect of Land-Use Intensification on Soil Properties and Plant Species Diversity in the Mediterranean Agroecosystem. Bulletin UASVM Horticulture 80(1);

• Zotos A., Kosma C., Triantafyllidis V., Kakabouki I., Kehayias G., Roussis I., Mavroeidis A., Tataridas A. & D. Bilalis, 2021. Plant species diversity of the wet meadows under natural and anthropogenic interventions: The case of the lakes Amvrakia and Ozeros (W. Greece). Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 49(3), 12435;

• Patakas A., Zotos A. & A. Beis, 2010. Production, localization and possible roles of nitric oxide in drought - stressed grapevines. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 16: 203-209.

• Zotos A., M. Sarika, E. Lucas, P. Dimopoulos, 2006. Ludwigia peploides subsp. montevidensis a new alien taxon for the flora of Greece and the Balkans. J. Biol. Res. 5: 71-78.