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Δημήτριος Καραμάνης

Karamanis Dimitrios

Professor of Alternative Energy Sources

Ground floor
(+30) 26410-74210
Undergraduated Studies

Department of Physics, University of Ioannina (1990)

Ph.D. Thesis

A study on radioactive pollutants binding by pillared layered clays

Research Interests
  • Carbon-neutral cities
  • Integrated Photovoltaics and Nature Based Solutions for climate change mitigation
  • Photovoltaics and solar energy
  • Wind potential and wind energy
  • Μaterials and methods of passive cooling
  • Environmental impact of energy production and use
  • Applications of renewable energy sources
Selected Publications
  • N. Skandalos, M. Wang, V. Kapsalis, D. D'Agostino, D. Parker, S. S. Bhuvad, Udayraj, J. Peng, D. Karamanis. Building PV integration according to regional climate conditions: BIPV regional adaptability extending Köppen-Geiger climate classification against urban and climate-related temperature increases. 2022. Renew. Sustain. Ener. Rev. 169, 112950.
  • D. Karamanis, Renewable Energy Sources: Undergraduate Textbook. 2022.
  • D. Karamanis, A Review on RES Energy Transition-Climate Change Interaction Effects, Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development. 2021.
  • D. Karamanis. Wind energy resources analysis of Western Greece coast in terms of sustainable environmental indicators and towards their community-based exploitation in South-East Europe. 2013. J. Renew & Sust Energy 5, 041801-041817.
  • D. Karamanis, PA Assimakopoulos. Efficiency of aluminum-pillared montmorillonite on the removal of cesium and copper from aqueous solutions. 2007. Water Research 41 (9), 1897-1906.