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Efthymiou Ioanna

Postdoctoral teaching fellow

Undergraduated Studies

Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Management, University of Patras (2012)

Ph.D. Thesis

Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Patras (2021) Dissertation: Study of the toxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic activity of newly synthesized compounds and nanomaterials in vitro.

Selected Publications
  • Vlastos D., Antonopoulou M., Lavranou A., Efthimiou I., Dailianis S., Hela D., Lambropoulou D., Paschalidou A.K., Kassomenos P. 2019. Assessment of the toxic potential of rainwater precipitation: First evidence from a case study in three Greek cities. Science of the Total Environment, 648, 1323-1332.
  • Efthimiou I., Georgiou Y., Vlastos D., Dailianis S., Deligiannakis Y. 2020. Assessing the cyto-genotoxic potential of model zinc oxide nanoparticles in the presence of humic- acid-like-polycondensate (HALP) and the leonardite HA (LHA). Science of the Total Environment. 721, 137625.
  • Efthimiou I., Kalamaras G., Papavasileiou K., Anastasi-Papathanasi N., Georgiou Y., Dailianis S., Deligiannakis Y., Vlastos D. 2021. ZnO, Ag and ZnO-Ag nanoparticles exhibit differential modes of toxic and oxidative action in hemocytes of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. Science of the Total Environment. 767, 144699.
  • Dailianis S., Charalampous N., Giokas S., Vlastos D., Efthimiou I., Dormousoglou M., Cocilovo C., Faggio C., Shehu J., Lyberatos G., Ntaikou I. 2021. Chemical and biological tracking in decentralized sanitation systems: The case of artificial constructed wetlands. Journal of Environmental Management. 300, 113799.
  • Efthimiou I., Vlastos D., Ioannidou C., Tsilimigka F., Drosopoulou E., Mavragani-Tsipidou P., Potsi G., Gournis D., Antonopoulou M. 2022. Assessment of the genotoxic potential of three novel composite nanomaterials using human lymphocytes and the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as model systems. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances. 9, 100230.
  • Efthimiou I., Vlastos D., Triantafyllidis V., Eleftherianos A., Antonopoulou M. 2022. Investigation of the Genotoxicological Profile of Aqueous Betula pendula Extracts. Plants. 11, 2673.
  • Efthimiou I., Vlastos D., Triantafyllidis V., Antonopoulou M. 2023. Kastoria and Mikri Prespa Lakes: The Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on the Differentiation in the Genotoxic and Toxic Profile of the Surface Water. Land. 12, 119.
  • Antonopoulou M., Spyrou A., Tzamaria A., Efthimiou I., Triantafyllidis V. 2023. Current state of knowledge of environmental occurrence, toxic effects, and advanced treatment of PFOS and PFOA. Science of the Total Environment. 913, 169332.