- 2, G. Seferi str., Agrinio, Greece
- (+30) 26410-74138
- secrsa@upatras.gr
- Contact
The content of the course includes the following:
• Introduction - Soil systems
• Soil factors.
• Soil texture.
• Mineral composition of soils (Decomposition. Primary minerals: structure and physico-chemical properties thereof. Secondary minerals: structure and physico-chemical properties thereof. Oxides - iron-aluminum-manganese hydroxides). Amorphous minerals.
• Soil chemical properties (Ion exchange and their importance in plant nutrition. Degree of saturation with bases. Electric potential Z, Soil solution and electrolytes. Soil regulation capacity).
• Soil organic matter (Humic - organometallic compounds. Argylohemic complexes. Importance of organic matter).
• Physical properties of soil (Structure, porosity. Structural improvement. Soil temperature and its importance. Soil air and its importance).
• Soil morphology (Soil distribution and its description. Soil color Soil horizons and levels. Soil classification. Greek soil classes. Mapping and description of cartographic units).
Laboratory exercises
• Soil sampling
• Mechanical analysis
• Determination of calcium carbonate
• Determination of soil organic matter
• Saturation extract - pH - Water soluble salts
• Cation exchange capacity - exchangeable cations