- 2, G. Seferi str., Agrinio, Greece
- (+30) 26410-74138
- secrsa@upatras.gr
- Contact
1. Introduction, Structure of organic compounds, Structure and bonds, Intermolecular forces, Functional groups, Homologous series, Nomenclature, Structural isomerism
2. Categories of organic reactions, Mechanisms
3. Carbon chain configurations , Stereochemistry.
4. Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Introduction to organic synthesis
5. Alkyl halides
6. Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers
7. Carbonyl compounds: Aldehydes – Ketones
8. Carboxylic acids, Amines
9. Amino acids, Peptides, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipid
10. Analytical methodology: General principles, Extraction, Qualitative and quantitative determination, Errors
11. Structure determination of organic compound: Ultraviolet Spectroscopy (Conjugation, colored organic compounds)
12. Structure determination of organic compound: Mass spectrometry
13. Chromatographic techniques for detection and determination of organic compounds
Laboratory Courses
1. Introduction, Safety in the laboratory, Organic solvents
2. Melting point, Boiling point, Intermolecular forces
3. Distillation
4. Recrystallization
5. Organic Synthesis
6. Extraction
7. Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data - Measurement Errors
8. Determination of Chlorophyll by UV-Vis Spevtroscopy
9. Solid-Liquid Extraction, Quantitative Determination of Organic Compound
10. Acid-Base Properties of Amino Acids - Determination of Isoelectric Point
11. Qualitative Determination of Organic Compounds with Chomatography
12. Quantitative Determination of Organic Compounds with Chomatography
13. Repeat Lab