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Μπάμπος Γεώργιος

Μεταδιδάκτορας - Ερευνητής


Τμήμα Χημικών Μηχανικών, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών (2013).


Τμήμα Χημικών Μηχανικών, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών (2020).

Επιλεγμένες Δημοσιεύσεις
  • “Propane steam reforming over catalysts derived from noble metal (Ru, Rh)-substituted LaNiO3 and La0.8Sr0.2NiO3 perovskite precursors”, T. Ramantani, G. Bampos, A. Vavatsikos, G. Vatskalis, D.I. Kondarides, Nanomaterials 11 (2021) 1931.
  • “Comparison of the activity of Pd–M (M: Ag, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, Zn) bimetallic electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction”, G. Bampos, S. Bebelis, D.I. Kondarides, X. Verykios, Topics in Catalysis 60 (2017) 1260-1273.
  • “Steam reforming of butanol-ethanol mixture for H2 production over Ru catalysts”, G. Bampos, S. Karaiskos,. Ramantani, S. Tsatsos, G. Kyriakou, Applied Catalysis A: General, 664 (2023) 119347.4.
  • “Oxygen reduction reaction on La0.8Sr0.2CoxFe1-xO3-δ perovskite/carbon black electrocatalysts in alkaline medium”, A. Safakas, G. Bampos, S. Bebelis, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 244 (2019) 225-232.
  • Oxygen reduction reaction activity of Pd-based bimetallic electrocatalysts in alkaline medium”, G. Bampos, L. Sygellou, S. Bebelis, Catalysis Today 355 (2020) 685-697.
  • “Reactive adsorption of CO from low CO concentrations streams on the surface of Pd/CeO2 catalysts”, G. Bampos, P. Bika, P. Panagiotopoulou, X. Verykios, Applied Catalysis A: General 588 (2019) 117305.
  • “Effect of support on the reactive adsorption of CO from low CO concentrations streams on the surface of Pd based catalysts”, G. Bampos, T. Ramantani, P. Panagiotopoulou, X. Verykios, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 60 (2021) 18722 –18738.